about me

toothless being a derp


hello world! im blake!

i am taking this course to get the paper i need to continue in my career. although i am happy with where i am, as i am self-taught, i would be first out the door if our company got bought by a bigger fish

to tell you a bit about myself, i am a full stack developer who works at a local datacenter as a rapid prototype developer. i also love bagpipes, hate dances, and would unironically wear a proper set of armor if i could get away with it.

if you are interested in the other projects i have done over the last several years, many of them can be found on or through projectpine.com

also i really appreciate the good SEO practices i see in this course so far, such as appropriate use of H tags and alt-tags on images. its amazing how many clients of ours dont understand that

side note, https! (had a wildcard cert, so i did)